Tuesday, June 26, 2007


This is my second posting into my new blog account. I'm exploring it's in's & out's. I just did a brief tour of Flickr and will go back to explore more before I officially log in as having completed this task for week #3.


JimD said...

Welcome to the blog-o-sphere. Be careful. Posting stuff and reading other people's blogs can become addictive. It's amazing what's out there. Hope you're having fun with this!

JimD said...

Welcome to the blog-o-sphere. Be careful. Posting stuff and reading other people's blogs can become addictive. It's amazing what's out there. Hope you're having fun with this!

JimD said...

Grrr. Evidently I clicked "publish your comment" twice at a moment when my Internet connection was slow. I'd delete one of those comments but it leaves a trail saying that the comment had existed and was deleted. I don't want people to think that I posted something dramatic and then chickened out and removed it!